  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Baked potato with vegetable topping
Time required:35 minServings:For 4 servings
4 russet potatoes, baked
1 cup broccoli florets
3 cups aubergine, diced
1/2 carrots, thinly sliced
1/4 cup green onion, sliced
2 tablespoons ginger root, finely chopped
1/2 cup red pepper, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup snow peas
2 tablespoons apple juice or white wine
1/2 tablespoons chilies, crushed
1/2 tablespoons salt
1/2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons margarine
In a casserole dish, microwave broccoli, aubergine, carrots, green onion, ginger and red pepper for 6-8 minutes at HIGH. Add remaining ingredients. Microwave 2 minutes at HIGH. Stir. Cut a deep cross in the top of each potato; squeeze lightly to open. Spoon vegetables over top. Makes 4 servings.

This is an official 5 A Day recipe.
Recipe provided by the Prince Edward Island Potato Board.
Nutritional Analysis Per Serving: Calories, 232; Fat, 6 g; Cholesterol, 0 mg; Fiber, 6g; Sodium, 383 mg; percent calories from fat, 24 %
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