  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Wild asparagus soup
Servings:For 4 servings
Wild asparagus soup
1/4 kg asparagus from Huétor-Tájar, chopped
1/4 kg shellfish
1 l fish stock
Fried garlic
Fried almonds
Diced Serrano ham
Fried bread
Toss the chopped asparagus and the shellfish into 1 litre fish stock. Heat virgin olive oil in a pan and fry the garlic, the almonds and the bread. Then, together with some stock, mix in the blender and pour everything in the stock with the asparagus and the shellfish. Finally, add the saffron thread and the diced ham. If desired, you may scald an egg per person for a more exquisite dish.

Author:José Cano Jaimez

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