  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Cherry chocolates
Time required:30 minServings:For 6 servings
For 24 chocolates
24 boned Jerte cherries
200 g fondant chocolate
2 tablespoons cherry liqueur
50 g milk chocolate
24 metal paper moulds
Mince the chocolate and melt au bain marie. Paint the inside of the moulds with melted chocolate and when hard, put some liqueur drops in each. Put a cherry on and cover with the rest of chocolate. Leave in cool place so that they get hard or store in the fridge, always covered, if not, chocolate would lose brightness.
Melt the milk chocolate au bain marie, put in a small cloth strainer and draw on the chocolates. Some cherry jam drops can also be put at the bottom of the moulds.

Author:Consejo regulador de la Denominación de Origen Cereza del Jerte

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