  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Marinated aubergines
Servings:For 4 servings
2 aubergines
4 tablespoons flour
1/4 l olive oil

For the marinade

1 dl olive oil
4 tablespoons lemon juice
4 tablespoons water
3 garlic cloves
Select firm aubergines. Wash and drain and remove the stalk. Cut in slices of about 1cm thick. Pre-heat the olive oil and fry the aubergines. Add salt to the flour and slightly batter the aubergine slices and fry again. Put the slices onto some kitchen roll to drain off the excess oil and then put them on an ovenproof plate. Make a marinade with olive oil, lemon juice and water. Add salt, the smashed garlic and the sliced parsley. Pour into the aubergines, cover and leave to cool in the fridge for about three hours.
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