  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Beef Wellington with mushrooms, broccoli and carrots
Time required:30 minServings:For 4 servingsSpecial Tools:Non-stick pan, oven
4 fillet steaks (175 g each)
ready-made puff pastry
100 g chicken liver pate
150 g button mushrooms
20 ml milk
30 g butter
salt and freshly ground black pepper to season
broccoli and carrots to serve
Preheat the oven to 200ºC, gas mark 6. Roll out pastry and cut out 4 rounds, each about 3 cm larger in diameter than the meat. Cut another 4 rounds each 2 cm larger all round than the first lot. Wash, dry and slice the mushrooms. Melt half the butter in the pan and stir-fry the sliced mushrooms for one minute and then remove them from the pan. Add the remaining butter to the pan and fry the steaks on high heat for 2 minutes, remove from heat and allow to cool a little. Spread each steak with pate, top the pate with mushrooms and season with a little salt and some freshly ground black pepper. Put each steak onto one of the smaller rounds of pastry, brush the pastry edge with milk, cover with one of the larger rounds of pastry and firmly seal the edges. Brush the tops of the steak parcels (beef wellingtons) with milk and bake them in the oven for 15 minutes. While the beef is cooking, wash and peel the carrots and cut them into thin sticks. Wash the broccoli and divide it into individual florets. Boil the carrots and the broccoli until they are just tender. Serve the vegetables with the freshly baked beef wellingtons.

This is an impressive dish for a special meal but is also quick and easy to do.
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