  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Toasted cod with onion sauce and Reineta apple from El Bierzo
Servings:For 4 servings
Toasted cod with onion sauce and Reineta apple from El Bierzo
4 250 g cod fillets
1 onion
2 Reineta apples
For the toasted cod

Grill the cod skin-side down until golden and crackling. Put the cod in the sauce and simmer for 10 minutes, so that the cods jelly mixes with the sauce.

For the sauce

Lightly roast 2 julienned onions in olive oil for 10 minutes. Add the quartered apple, cover, and allow to cook gently for 15 minutes.

Remove the cod from the sauce together with the whole apple slices. Remove the cods skin and reserve.

Serve the dish forming a fan with the apple and cod slices. Pour onion sauce and decorate with the crackling skin stuffed with apple.

Author:Carlos D. Cidón

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