  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Plum, Prunus domestica / Rosaceae
In the markets we find plums almost all the year round, thanks to the great amount of varieties coming from different producing countries.

It is a summer fruit and in Spain it is possible to buy them fresh from May to September.

Plums are practically available in the markets all the year round, depending on the varieties and the origin. If we took as example the United Kingdom, one of the most select markets, we can see countries and varieties supply the market. For each country it is indicated the weight of the transport packages.
Origin and varietyAvailability in the UK marketsWeight of the packages
BeautyEnd of November-mid December10 kg
D"AgenEnd of January-February10Kg
Linda RosaEnd of December-mid January10Kg
Santa RosaMid December-end December10Kg
Amber JewelFebruary10 kg
MonachAugust-October6 kg
BlueberryEnd of July-October11.3 kg
BurbankEnd of July-October10/14 – 1.5Kg
DansanEnd of July-October10/14 – 1.5Kg
Golden ShiroEnd of July-October10/14 – 1.5Kg
StanleyEnd of July-October10/14 – 1.5Kg
VamerEnd of July-October10/14 – 1.5Kg

Source: Fresh Produce Desk Book (1999)

In the Spanish market, plums are found during the following months:
Región de MurciaMay, June, July and August
Comunidad ValencianaMay, June, July and August
AndalucíaMay, June, July and August
AragónJune, July, August and September
CataluñaJune, July, August and September
Castilla-La ManchaJune, July, August and September
ExtremaduraJune, July and August
La RiojaJune, July, August and September

Source: La Horticultura Española (2001)
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