  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Stuffed onions
Servings:For 4 servings
12 Spanish onions
400 gr minced meat
1 egg
100 gr breadcrumbs
6 teaspoons olive oil
3 teaspoons white wine
50 gr flour
Put the meat into an ovenproof dish, add salt, parsley, pepper, minced garlic and a pinch of cinnamon. Add two tablespoons of milk, the lemon juice, the egg yolk and make a dough. Cut the onions crosswise at the top and hollow them out. Stuff each onion with a meat ball, glaze the surface with the whipped white of an egg and batter. Preheat oil in a pan and fry the surface of the onions. Transfer the onions to a casserole. Fry some minced onion until light brown, then add two tablespoons of flour and three teaspoons of wine. Pour it into the casserole and add some water until the onions are covered. Season to taste and boil it until tender. Then bake the onions in the oven for about 10 minutes and serve.
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