  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Piquillo peppers from Lodosa stuffed with black pudding
Servings:For 5 servings
Piquillo peppers from Lodosa stuffed with black pudding
20 Piquillo peppers
1 piece black pudding
2 medium onions
3 green peppers
1 bunch fresh garlic
150 ml single cream
Salt the peppers and stuff them with the black pudding with a spoon. Reserve. Fry the thinly sliced onion, the diced peppers and the garlic in olive oil until soft. Then mix with a blender and simultaneously add the cream and the peppers juice. Pour the sauce into an earthenware casserole, adding water until desired thickness. Put the stuffed peppers over the sauce and allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes.
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