  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Vegetable soup
Servings:For 1 servings
20 g potato
30 g carrot
25 g leek
30 g turnip
30 g pea or green bean
20 g cabbage (white or Savoy)
15 g onion
2,5 ml olive oil
Wash and prepare all the vegetables. Slice them in small chunks. Boil the potato, onion, leek, turnip and carrot in about 2 litres of salted water. Once cooked, remove from water and make a puree. Add the cabbage and the green beans or peas to salted water and boil. After a while add the olive oil. Remove the cabbage and the green beans or peas from the water when they are cooked, add them to the puree and serve.
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