  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Sweet rice
Time required:1 hServings:For 4 servings
300 g Jerte cherries
120 g long rice
1 kiwi fruit
1 peach
Mint infusion:
4 tablespoons water
1 vanilla pod
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 strip of lemon skin
1 strip of orange skin
14 tablespoons sugar
8-10 mint leaves
Cook the rice in generous boiling water. Drain, cool and drain again. Clean and bone the cherries. Peel the fruit, cut into cubes and mix with the rice. Pour the cold mint infusion on and add the cherries. Decorate with some fresh mint leaves.
Mint infusion:
Halve the vanilla pod and grate in a pot. Add water, the lemon juice, the skins, the sugar and bring to the boil until sugar is well-dissolved. Remove from the heat, add the mint leaves. Leave that infusion for 30 minutes, strain and cool.

Author:Consejo Regulador de la Cereza de la Denominación de Origen Cereza del Jerte

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