  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Mediterranean-style wild asparagus with shellfish and horse mackerels
Servings:For 4 servings
Mediterranean-style wild asparagus with shellfish and horse mackerels
200 g asparagus from Huétor-Tájar
250 g shellfish
250 g horse mackerels
200 g red peppers
1 onion
Virgin olive oil
Clean the horse mackerels and fry in very hot olive oil. Once fried remove skins and bones and reserve. Sauté the finely cut onion and stir in the shellfish. Once the shells are open, add the shredded horse mackerels. Wash and cut the asparagus into pieces. Sauté in olive oil and reserve. Finally, serve placing the asparagus in the middle of the dish and put the shellfish, horse mackerels and some red pepper strips on top. Serve very hot.

Author:Antonio Navarro Navarro

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