  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
European chesnut, Castanea sativa / Fagaceae
Benefits for the health
Chestnuts are rich in vitamin B and phosphorus, and help to keep the nervous system healthy. They are specially recommended for people under physical and psychological stress. The tryptophan aminoacid helps to relax and to get to sleep. Phosphorous is an essential mineral that plays an important role in the development of bones and teeth.
Popular tradition
The great amount of minerals that chestnuts contain makes them suitable to fortify the brain and to improve all the intellectual functions, although if we eat too many of them they may cause indigestion; it is recommended not to eat more than fifteen chestnuts a day. There is a Spanish saying that recommends cooked chestnuts in autumn and winter to prevent depressions.

The horse chestnut fruit belongs to the Hipocastanaceous family and to another species different from the edible chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum. It is cultivated for the quality of its divided leaves, that turn yellow in autumn, reason why they are so much used in gardening. The horse chestnut fruit is noneatable, but it may be used to prepare, with alcohol, a liquid that heals the wounds that are difficult to heal up; it is effective and easy to make.
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