Benefits for the health
From a nutritional point of view, persimmons supply 70 kcal/100 g, that come mainly from carbohydrates, although they also provide 10 mg/100 g of vitamin C (around one sixth of the recommended daily consumption) and some carotenoids.
Vitamin C may have an influence in some physiological states, such as the suppression of nitrosamine formation in the intestine. Nitrite, which is found in foodstuffs and water, reacts with amines in order to produce nitrosamines, whose carcinogenic characteristics have been tested. The antioxidant capacity of vitamin C can also protect from cancer, intensifying the immunological functions. The diets that are rich in carotenoids have been related to a decrease of the risk of contracting cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Popular tradition
Different parts of the persimmon are used for medicinal purposes: the fruit, the leaves, the tree bark or even the flowers. It lowers the blood pressure, it relieves cough and prevents arteriosclerosis, among many other properties.
When it is unripe, it contains a great amount of iodine, that helps to relieve goitre. In the last few years it has been stated that kaki’s leaves are good to lower the pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis, purify the blood and lubricate the intestine.
Besides, the persimmon is a tranquillizer, it stimulates the corporal fluids and calms the thirst. It fortifies the spleen, it fights diarrhoea, blood in faeces and haemorrhoids.
The flowers are used to treat measles, whereas the bark of the tree is used to cure burns.
Kakis are suitable for weak and depressed people, thanks to their content in vitamins of group B.