  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Apricot, Prunus armeniaca / Rosaceae
There exists a wide range of apricot varieties. Each producing region develops native varieties that adapt to the characteristics of the area. Nevertheless, there are certain varieties cultivated in all the countries.

We take as an example some varieties cultivated all around the world: the varieties Bebekou and " Tirynthos " com from Greece, " Bergeron " comes from France, " Hamidi " from Tunisia, " Imola Royal " from Italy, etc. Other varieties whose culture has spreaded to Germany, Austria, the United States, etc. are: " Hungarian Yellow ", " Mario de Cenad " and " Jitrenka ", " Montedoro ", " Nancy ", " Peeka ", " Royal ", " Perfection " and " Goldrich ".

The Bebekou variety is the most important Greek variety and it is intended mainly for export. In the Northern Hemisphere it is available from mid June until July. It is a round, yellow fruit with some traces of red. The bone is easily removed from the flesh, which is juicy and sweet.

" Bergeron" is a late apricot, found from the beginning of August in the N Hemisphere, original from the valley of Rhone in France. It is suitable both for fresh consumption as for processing. It is a great fruit, with orange-yellow skin, with some red traces. Of irregular shape but good quality, it has a juicy, delicious flesh.

" Hamidi’ comes from Tunisia but it is nowadays cultivated in Greece. It is available in the markets from the end of May, beginning of June. It is pale yellow, it has a very pleasant aroma, although the pulp is not very juicy.

" Hungarian Yellow" is a widely exported variety in June and August. Thanks to its firmness it is easily transported and very suitable for processing jellies and stewed apricots. It is cultivated mainly in the south of Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece. The fruit is golden yellow. The skin has some red traces specially where it has been under the direct light of the sun. Its pulp is firm and substantial.

" Imola Royal" is one of the most important Italian varieties. Because of the firmness of its flesh, it is very appropriate for the industry. It is available in June and July, coming not only from Italy, but also from Spain and Israel. It is asymmetrical, large, elongate, orange-yellow with some pink traces where it has been touched by the sun. The pulp is also yellow orange and its juice is sweet with a remarkable aroma.

" Mario de Cenad" and " Jitrenka’ are varieties exported from the Czech Republic and Rumania during August. The fruit of these two varieties is round, and the skin is yellow with some traces of pink.

" Montedoro’ is an Italian apricot available in July and August. They are large and oval fruits, with an incomparable aroma. They are specially recommended for fresh consumption.

" Nancy" is a very well-known French variety, also cultivated in Italy and Greece. The frui t is oval, large, juicy and with an excellent aroma.

" Peeka’ is a new variety coming from South Africa and New Zealand, available in the markets during March and April. It is used for breeding other varieties. It is a round variety, yellow orange with an easily removed bone.

" Royal", " Perfection" and " Goldrich" come from New Zealand, they are available from December to March, and if they come from the United States and France, during May and August. The fruit of these three varieties is round and slightly oval, with yellow skin and specially adapted for fresh consumption.

" Tirynthos"
Variety of a pale yellow colour, with a firm and juicy pulp.
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