  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Broad bean, Vicia faba / Leguminosae
Benefits for the health
Broad beans contain starch and low amounts of sugar, fat and salt. Its fibre content helps to protect against intestine cancer and diabetes. They are also a good source of polyphenolic compounds, with an antioxidant activity that may provide protection against coronary diseases and cancer. Broad beans are rich in proteins and provide modest amounts of iron and vitamin B, like thiamin and riboflavine. Thiamin is essential for good health, and its lack causes beriberi. Broad beans must not be eaten raw, they need to be cooked in order to denature the toxic haemagglutinins. They are also good sources of potassium, vitamin E and C, betacarotene and quercetin flavonoid.
Popular tradition
The broad bean has a high nutritious value and a small amount of lipids. It has a high fibre content, along with vitamins and minerals. It contains a high amount of vitamins B3, C, A and B9.

These vegetables have a high nutritious value, as compared with most of the vegetables. They contain a considerable amount of proteins and carbohydrates, whereas they hardly contain lipids. Their content in fibre is high, thus helping to control the levels of cholesterol, preventing constipation cancer of colon. It stands out for its high content of vitamin B3, C, A and B9. The folic acid is helpful to treat some types of anaemia. Among the most important mineral we highlight potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

The consumption of broad beans when suffering from gout attack is not recommended. Some people may have a bad reaction against the consumption of broad beans; thus is because they do not have a type of enzyme that enables the elimination of the beans toxins. This poisoning is known as favism. Broad beans have very small amounts of sodium, so they are not bad for blood pressure.

Vitamin B10.17
Vitamin B20.04
Vitamin B34.10
Vitamin B60.06
Vitamin B978.00
Vitamin B120.00
Vitamin C24.00
Vitamin A28.33
Vitamin D0.00
Vitamin Etr

Source: Verduras, Hortalizas y Legumbres. Guías de alimentación y nutrición. Debate y Asegarce.
tr: traces

Characteristics per 100gGREEN BEANDRIED BEAN
Energetic value52304

Source: Guía dietética de los alimentos y su combinaciones. Editorial De Vecchi.

Home-made preserves are made from broad beans. First, the seeds of the immature bean are removed, afterwards the seeds are whiten and washed, and finally they are put in tins or jars with a sugar and salt brine.
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