The most cultivated varieties of Swedish turnip according to Hessayon are:
- "Marian": It offers a high yield, good taste and texture and a high resistance to cabbage club root and mildew.
- "Chignecto’: It is another variety resistant to cabbage club root.
- "Purple Top": It is the former favourite variety, reliable and widely cultivated. It can be consumed fresh after its harvesting or it can be stored.
- "Macunian Brown Top": It has a slower growth than "Purple Top", but its storage properties are unsurpassable.
- "Western perfection": Completely the opposite of "Macunian Brown Top". The reputation of this variety is based on its growth. The roots are harvested at the end of summer.
- "Acme’: It is another variety of the type " Purple Top" with a fast growth, like that of "Western Perfection".