  Fruits Vegetables
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Carambola, Averrhoa carambola / Oxalidaceae
Note: Composition for 100 g. of fresh product
Values in ( min. - max. ) format.
Energy: 23.60-32.00 kcal
Fats: 0.30-0.50 g
Fibres: 1.30-1.30 g


Calcium: 5.00-6.00 mg
Zinc: 0.10-0.10 mg
Phosporus: 15.00-16.00 mg
Iron: 0.600-0.900 mg
Magnesium: 6.00-6.00 mg
Manganese: 0.10-0.10 mg
Potasium: 150.00-184.00 mg
Sodium: 2.00-2.00 mg
Proteins: 0.50-1.20 kcal
Carbohidrates: 3.50-7.30 g

Liposoluble Vitamins

A Retinol: 0.00-67.73 µg
A Carotenoids: 37.00-774.86 µg

Liposoluble Vitamins

B1 or Thiamine: 0.030-0.050 mg
B2 or Riboflavine: 0.030-0.030 mg
B3 or Niacine: 0.40-0.40 mg
Carambola is a tropical fruit that has recently started its trade in Europe. It is also called the star fruit, because it is star-shaped when cut on cross section.

It has a thin edible skin, of pale yellow colour that turns into golden yellow when the fruit is ripe. It has a translucent, crispy, juicy and acid pulp.
Nutrition and eating
Fresh carambolas are a great source of vitamin A and C, and minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
The fruit
Carambola (Averrhoa cannon) is a tropical fruit that has recently started its trade in Europe. It is also called the star fruit, because it is star-shaped when cut on cross section.

It has a thin edible skin, of pale yellow colour that turns into golden yellow when the fruit is ripe. It has a translucent, crispy, juicy and acid pulp. The largest varieties are the sweetest. It usually measures between 7 and 12 cm. The larger fruits have a golden colour, they are sweeter and slightly acid. The smallest varieties are quite bitter and have pale, green or yellow tonalities.

They are eaten fresh, in salads or juice. They are normally used to garnish all types of sweet and salty dishes. When cut on cross section we get pretty star-shaped slices. When mature, the skin is easily removed. They become a nice decoration in meat dishes, desserts, cakes or drinks, cocktails and punch.

It is an ideal food for its vitamin C and mineral content like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Each 100 g of pulp supply 40 calories to the organism.

The countries producing this tropical fruit are Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Brazil.

The recommended temperature for storage is 5ºC and the optimal relative moisture is around 90 and 95%.
The plant
The carambola is a small tree. 5 to 12 m high, with a short trunk. It is quite attractive and ornamental, with pale green leaves. The flowers are gathered in clusters. This tree needs a tropical or subtropical climate, with quite a humid weather.
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