  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Cherry sponge cake
Time required:1 hServings:For 6 servings
250 g Jerte cherries
250 g sugar
250 g soft butter
20 g butter for the mould
350 g flour
5 eggs
4 tablespoons Jerte cherry brandy
1/2 sachet Royal baking powder
Heat the oven at 210°C. Grease a plumcake mould. Bone the cherries. Beat the butter with the sugar in a bowl until white. Add the eggs one by one, beating well before adding next one. Strain the flour with the baking powder and add slowly to the previous mixture until getting a homogeneous cream. Add the cherries and the maceration liquid. Mix carefully. Put the dough in the mould and cook for 35-40 minutes. Check if well-cooked by piercing with a needle or a small knife, which should get out clean. Remove the mould from the oven and allow to cool completely before removing from the mould.
The sponge cake will have an even better look if covered with a beaten syrup, until it gets darker.

Author:Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Cereza del Jerte

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