  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Cherry tea biscuits
Time required:1 hServings:For 5 servings
For 20 biscuits:
1/2 cherry for each biscuit
300 g flour
200 g butter
100 g icing-sugar
1 egg
200 g Jerte cherry jam
1 jelly leaf
Put the strained flour with the icing-sugar and a pinch of salt in a pot. Make a hole in the middle and add the egg. Knead until getting a homogeneous dough, carefully. Make a ball, wrap in cling film and store for 30 min in the fridge. Pull out the dough on a surface previously covered with flour and cut with a pastry cutter. Make a hole to 1/3 of the biscuits. Cook at 190°C for 10-15 minutes. Allow to cool. Heat the cherry jam with a little bit of lemon juice, add the jelly, soaked in cold water for 10 minutes, and allow to melt. Strain on a bowl, allow to cool and paint the non-pierced biscuits with jam. Sprinkle the other with icing-sugar and cover with jelly. Put half a sugared cherry on each biscuit before putting them into the oven. If desired, jam can be flavoured with Jerte cherry brandy or liqueur.

Author:Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Cereza del Jerte

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