  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Red bream with crystallised lemons
Servings:For 6 servings
1 red bream, about 2 kg
4 lemon slices
1 tablespoon sweet pepper
5 twigs tarragon
A pinch of sugar
1 glass oil
Scale the red bream and clean. Dry with kitchen paper and cut the skin with a knife at 3 different sites. Put the oil in a bowl, add the sweet pepper, the sugar, the pepper and the salt. Mix well this ingredients. Put half of the lemon slices in a dish, at the bottom. Put the red bream on them and cover with the remaining lemon slices. Moisten with the oil mixture and add the tarragon twigs. Put in the oven, preheated to 200ºC for 10 minutes. Next, turn to 180ºC until well-cooked. Remove the tarragon and serve very hot.
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