  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Pineapple, Ananas comosus / Bromeliaceae
The chiefly cultivated varieties of pineapple in the world according to Loyal, are:

"Roja española’: Medium plant with small leaves, average barrel-shaped fruit, yellow-orange colour, with well-defined eyes, rectangular, flat and raised in the corners. Pineapples are infrutescences, that is to say, a group of individual fruits that gather to form the multiple fruit we know as pineapple. The only visible sign of each individual fruit is its external scale-shaped cover ("eye’) provided with a tiny leaf. The juice of this variety is of a sweet and pleasant taste.

"Mauritus": Small and compact plants, long and narrow leaves of a dark green colour, with red spikes in the borders, conical or cylindrical fruit, bright yellow colour and also yellow inside; prominent and angular eyes.

"PR-1-67 ": Medium-size plants, leaves with double or simple spikes, curved upwards. The leaves are of yellowish green colour, reddish-tinged. Barrel-shaped fruit, eyes arranged in 3 spirals, yellow-orange external colour, white pulp, similar to "Roja Española’.

"Cabezona’: Large plant, wide leaves, sawed edges, small spikes, ash-grey green colour, wide and rectangular fruit of conical shape, eyes arranged in two spirals, yellow-orange external colour, white, bittersweet, fibrous pulp.

"Pernambuco’: Medium-sized, vigorous plant. Medium-sized, wide leaves, of dark green colour, provided with great spikes in the borders. Oblong fruit of yellow colour, both outside and inside. Rounded eyes in the upper part, rectangular and deep in the base.

"Montufar": Average-sized plants, short to medium size leaves, green to yellowish-green colour, with large spikes in the borders of the leaves. Conical shape of yellowish green colour on the outside and yellow inside.

"Abacaxi’: Medium-sized, extremely turgid plant, long leaves of dark green colour, with reddish spots and medium-sized spikes. Pyramidal to oblong fruit. Of a deep yellow colour outside and a pale yellow to white colour inside.

"Ripley": Wide leaves, quite long, reddish-green colour with brown spots, not very strong, irregular spikes. Rounded oval fruit, dark green colour, pale copper colour when ripe. Very sweet and succulent, small amount of fibre.

"James Quenn": Vigorous plants, thick stem, long leaves, pale green colour with many strong spikes. Rounded fruit, golden yellow in the outside and deep yellow inside.

"Queen": Very old variety, with many sub-varieties. Small plant, short leaves, pale green colour. Multiple separated strong spikes, oblong fruit of golden yellow colour outside and deep yellow inside. Small, prominent and rectangular eyes.

"Spanish Jewel": Medium-sized plants, long and wide leaves. Dark green colour, reddish spots, cylindrical shape. White fruit, orange inside. Flat, rectangular and deep eyes.

"Sugar Loaf": Small to medium-sized plants. Green-purple colour, spiked borders, oblong-conical fruit, intense yellow external colour, yellow internal colour, small, oval to rounded, flat and deep eyes.

"Singapore Spanish": Medium-sized plants, long, narrow leaves of dark green colour, with reddish borders, few spikes, frequently near the apex of the leaf. Fruit of cylindrical shape, pale orange external colour and yellow inside.

"Masmerah": Large plants with long, narrow leaves of dark green colour. Free from spikes. Fruit of cylindrical shape, golden-yellow inside and external orange colour, with a large crown, rectangular, slightly deep eyes.

"Cayena Lisa’: Medium-sized plants, long and wide leaves, dark green colour with reddish spots, smooth edges with the exception of some spikes in the tip of the leaf. Fruit of cylindrical shape, reddish-orange outside and pale yellow colour inside. Flat, hexagonal and shallow eyes.

"Champaka’: Large plants, long and wide leaves, dark green colour with reddish spots, smooth edges except for some spikes in the tip of the leaf. Cylindrical fruit of reddish-orange colour outside and yellow inside.

"Monte Lirio’: Small plant, few and medium-sized leaves, intense green colour, free from spikes, smooth edges. Globose fruit, yellow colour in the outside and white inside.

"Perolera’: Great plants, short and medium-sized leaves of dark green colour, with reddish spots and smooth edges. Block-shaped fruit, of yellow colour.

"Barón de Rothschild": Small to medium size, fruit of oblong shape, diminishing its size towards the base of the crown. Yellow external colour and somewhat paler inside.

"Brecheche’: Small plants, medium-sized leaves, olive colour, totally free of spikes and not rolled inward edges, fruit of cylindrical shape and yellow colour.

"Burmanguesa’: Perhaps it is a mutation of "Perolera’, from which it is distinguished by its pale green leaves; fruit of red to purple external colour, intense yellow inside and shallow eyes.

"Maipure’: Large plants, dark green long leaves, with red spots, smooth edges, with some spikes on the tips. Cylindrical fruit of yellow colour in the outside and paler inside.

"Rondon": Medium-sized plants of dark green colour, with red spots, free of spikes, with smooth edges, and some spikes on the tips. Elongate-cylindrical fruit of yellow-orange colour, white inside. Flat and slightly deep eyes.
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