The varieties of aubergines are divided in three groups according to the shape of the fruit (slender, globose and intermediate, more or less pear-shaped). The variety which has always been cultivated in Spain is the slender variety, although at present the pear-shaped type is cultivated in greenhouses. The three groups include varieties of great size, although there are other Italian and Japanese varieties that usually bear smaller fruit. The hybrid varieties (F1) have been widely propagated lately and there are hybrids of the three types of shape indicated. The most cultivated varieties according to Sobrino Illescas and Sobrino Vesperinas are described below.
Slender fruit
- "Larga negra’: It has been cultivated on the coast of Catalonia for a long time. It is considered to be of average precocity, bearing long cylindrical fruit, 20-30 cm long and 4-6 cm thick in the wider area. It is of a dark purple colour, almost black.
- "Larga Morada’: It is a higher plant than Larga Negra. The fruit is shorter and less cylindrical, straight and of a dark purple colour although not approaching the almost black tone. 20-25 cm long and 5-7 cm thick fruit.
- "Blanca de Mallorca: It is cultivated in Mallorca. Large plant of greenish stems, with long type fruits of pale green colour.
- "Larga de Barbetane’: French variety. Cylindrical long fruit, not very thick, of a very dark purple colour, almost black. Precocious variety and high plant.
- "Caminal": French origin. Long fruit of dark purple colour.
- " Viserba’: North American origin. Cylindrical fruit, of absent or little curvature, 18-22 cm long and 5-7 cm wide. Average precocity.
- "Croisette’: Very precocious hybrid variety F1. Slender fruit of cylindrical shape, 25-30 cm long. Extremely bright dark purple colour.
- "Niza’: Hybrid F1 of precocious cycle, similar to Croisette in shape and colour.
- "Baluroi’. Hybrid F1 of French origin. Highly precocious and good output. Slender fruit of a dark purple colour.
- "Banussi’: French hybrid. Tall plant. Slender fruit, 18-22 cm long and 6 cm thick.
- "Millonaria’: Hybrid F1 of French origin. Cylindrical fruit, 20-25 cm long, thin and of a very dark colour, almost black.
- "Prelane’: French hybrid F1, precocious and productive. Quite elongate fruit, around 30 cm long and quite slender.
- "Marfa’: Hybrid F1 of French origin. Long fruit of a very dark and bright purple colour.
- "Eras": Hybrid F1 of French origin, precocious and productive. Elongate and slender fruit, of a dark and bright purple colour.
- "Giniac": Hybrid F1 of French origin. Cylindrical fruit, somewhat longer than the varieties Baluroi and Marfa, quite straight and of a very dark and bright purple colour.
Globose fruit
- "Monstruosa de New York": Late variety. Fruits of almost globose type, tapering towards the calyx. Fruit of great size, 15-16 cm high and 10-12 cm thick. Dark purple colour.
- "Redonda de Valence’: Precocious variety. Average-sized fruit, 10-12 cm thick, very smooth, round shape and dark colour, almost black.
- "Ronver": New Spanish variety obtained by mutation in the variety Redonda de Valence. Tall plant and fruit of generally round surface with a slight tendency to a pear-shape. In the marketing stage it is of a pale green colour with a slight striping of violet colour.
- "De Almagro’: Spanish origin, from the city with the same name in the province of Ciudad Real. Not very tall plant and small fruit, rounded and of a purple and whitish colour.
Oval fruit
- "Jaspeada de Gandía’: Native to Eastern Spain. Small plant. Oval, elongate fruit, of smooth and bi-coloured, in whitish and violet tones.
- "Mission Bell": Hybrid F1 of North American origin. Short development of the plant. Oval fruits of smooth surface and dark and bright purple colour.
- "Bonica’: Hybrid F1 of French origin. Extremely leafy and vigorous plants of average height. Oval fruit of very dark and bright purple colour.
- "Baren": Precocious hybrid F1. Plant of medium height. Oval fruit not very bulky, of a dark purple colour and smooth surface.
- "Belleza Negra’: Average height and mid-precocious. Extremely developed fruits, elongate oval fruit of a dark purple colour.
- "Florida Market": Mid-precocious North American variety. Plant of medium height. Elongate oval type fruits of dark and bright purple colour.
- "Black Bell": Hybrid F1 of North American origin. Plants of medium size. Extremely oval shape, somewhat bulky and of a dark and bright purple colour.
- "Blacknite’: Hybrid F1 of North American origin. Plants of medium size. Oval type fruits, not very wide, very bright dark purple colour and smooth surface, 16-18 cm long and 6 cm thick.
- "Royal Knight": North American origin. Bulky oval-type, not very long fruit, of dark purple colour.
- "Dusky": Hybrid F1 of North American origin. Very precocious, short plant. Oval-type fruit, very dark and bright colour, with smooth skin.
- "Midnite’: Hybrid F1 of North American origin. Plant of vigorous foliage and medium to high size. Extremely globose and oval fruit, dark and bright purple colour. Productive variety.