Proteins: 9.90-17.64 kcal Carbohidrates: 4.60-11.55 g
Liposoluble Vitamins
A Retinol: 0.0-25.0 µg A Carotenoids: 71.0-150.0 µg E or Tocoferol: 2.28-5.20 mg K or Filoquinone: 59.5-59.5 µg
Liposoluble Vitamins
B1 or Thiamine: 0.39-0.69 mg B2 or Riboflavine: 0.13-0.20 mg B3 or Niacine: 0.9-0.9 mg B9 or Folic Acid: 0.0-7.0 mg C or Ascorbic Acid: 0.0-7.0 mg
The pistachio nut is a dry fruit of small size, lengthy, with a hard, thin and clear brown shell. The edible part is yellowish green and tender.
They are used in foodstuff products and also in cosmetics, for which there is a great demand.
The pistachio nut is a fruit of great category and is as much appreciated for its consumption in fresh as for the industry.
Nutrition and eating
The pistachio is a very nutritious and enegetic dry fruit, rich in potassium and with a high fiber content. This fruit is recommended for people who make great physical and intellectual efforts.
The fruit
The pistachio nut is a dry fruit of small size, lengthy with a hard, thin and clear brown shell. The edible part is green-yellowish and tender.
They are used in foodstuff products and also in cosmetics, for which there is a great demand.
The pistachio nut is a fruit of great category and is as much appreciated for its consumption in fresh as for the industry.
Pistachios are more and more consumed salted or roasted, and with shell as a snack. The seed in raw is used as an ingredient for many dishes, in confectionery and cooked pork meats or ice creams. A very sweet oil is also obtained from pistachios. They are even applied as an ingredient for some medicines with digestive action and in cosmetics.
It is a very nutritious dry fruit of great fat content, between 30.5 and 51,6g for 100g of edible fresh weight.
The pistachio, whose edible part is the seed or almond, covered by a hard, thin, clear brown shell named pericarp. It is obtained from the so called pistachio or mastic tree. The almond is elongated, slightly triangular, 2-3cm long, tender, oily and with a pale green or yellow colour.
The pistachio nuts with shell can be preserved frozen for several months, although they may loose aroma and if they are peeled, it is recommended to keep them in the fridge, although the time of preservation is smaller in this case.
There are some varieties or types of pistachio that are distinguished by the size and colour of the almond, having greater or smaller acceptance.
The tree of the pistachio does not bear fruit until the fifth year and it does not reach a good performance until the tenth. For this reason, in Spain this fruit is usually imported and the prices of the market are high. In the Mediterranean coast, they ripen in September but we can find them in the market all the year round.
The plant
The pistachio tree bears pistachios; it is a deciduous tree and its leaves change their colour in autumn, acquiring a red orange tone that makes it very interesting as an ornament.
The pistachio nut comes from a medium size tree, of about 6 to 10m high, known as pistachio tree, from the Anacardiaceous family and the species Pistacia vera. Its bark is rough and gray, with many branches and dense top. The roots are quite deep.
The leaves are compound, imparipinnate , with 3 or 5 folioles according to the variety, oval or lanceolate, dark green in the upperside and more clear in the reverse. The foliage changes its colour into a red orange in autumn, reason why it is very interesting as an ornament. The leaves are deciduous.
The male and female flowers are in different trees. They are small, grouped in axillary inflorescences under the form of a cluster and with a greenish colour. They open in April-May and they bare a fruit with a single seed, which is the edible part.