  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Pecan, Carya illioinensis / Juglandaceaae
It is thought that the pecan nut comes from Mexico and the south of California, where there are many wild trees. From America it was introduced in Europe more than three centuries ago; at the beginning it was an ornamental variety for gardening.

The estimated world production for 2000/01 is 122.000t of pecans with shell and the main producing countries are the U.S.A. and Mexico.

Source: INC. Source.The Craker, April 2000

The main country importing pecan nuts is France and the main exporting countries are, along with the United States in the first place, Belgium and The Netherlands, although in fact the origin of the product is still America, exported through the Belgian and Dutch ports. In the last years the French imports have increased, due to the strong demand of the manufacturers of snacks, ice creams, etc.
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