  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Pepper, Capsicum annuum / Solanaceae
Benefits for the health
This fruit, commonly thought of as a vegetable, has an excellent vitamin C concentration. One hundred grams supply approximately 100% of the recommended daily consumption, 60 mg/day. Vitamin C has a considerable antioxidant capacity, protecting against cancer in general and viruses. Epidemiological research shows that stomach cancer is less frequent in people whose diet is rich in vitamin C.

Unlike green peppers, the red pepper has a modest concentration of pro-vitamin A carotenoids, betacarotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and betacryptoxanthin. A hundred grams of pepper supply approximately 50% or more of the recommended daily consumption, 1200-1500 µg equal to retinol/day. Vitamin A is essential for the sight, the differentiation of epithelial tissues and an optimal immunological answer.
Popular tradition
The pepper, with its multiple antioxidant agents, extends the life. It is an important healing vegetable.

The main active principle is the capsaicin, that has been used since the antiquity as a remedy for circulatory disorders. Therefore, peppers easen the venous diseases, such as haemorrhoides and varicose veins. They also fortify the heart. The capsaicin and the similar active principles that the pepper seeds and meat contain, along with vitamin C, fortify the defences against infections. On the other hand, they alleviate the gastric and digestive upsets, since they remove or reduce the mucous bacterial colonization.

Peppers help to prevent migraine, they improve the visual sharpness and the capacity of concentration, among others, being beneficial for health.
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