Benefits for the health
Red or black, the currant is a good vitamin source. The red currant must be preferably ripe and fresh, so as to preserve all its nutritional value. Its content in flavonoids and vitamin B helps to fortify the capillaries, protecting the body tissues and preventing arteriosclerosis, apoplexy and diabetes.
The black and red currant are recommended during pregnancy and breast-feeding; at the same time, currants take part in the development of the bones of the new-born child. They stimulate the improvement of the immunological system and respiration apart from having diuretic properties.
Popular tradition
The redcurrants are diuretic fruits, chiefly recommended for hypertension. They prevent colds and gastrointestinal diseases as well.
The red currants were recommended by doctors in the Middle Ages to treat several diseases of the digestive organs.
They are diuretic and they can be eaten without any problem in case of hypertension. They are also highly effective against diarrhoea.
Black and red currants are recommended to prevent and cure influenza and other catarrhous diseases. Their acids stimulate the intestinal performance and the secretions of the digestive glands.