  Fruits Vegetables
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Broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. italica / Brassicaceae
The present varieties of broccoli are classified mainly in three types: Verde Calabrés, the Romanesco and Verona. The Calabrés variety is the most important in the commercial side; in its turn, it includes two groups of varieties, those harvested in summer-autumn and those harvested in winter-spring.

The traditional varieties of broccoli have been replaced by other modern, with better characteristics concerning quality and production. Three main types are distinguished.

- Broccoli Ramoso VerdeCalabrés: it is the typical broccoli, dark green cooler. The main inflorescence measures between 8 and 10cm.

- Broccoli romanesco: it has a green inflorescence of great size (between 14 and 16cm), formed by several cones.

- Broccoli de Verona: the inflorescence is of average size (10-15cm), white -grayish color.

Within the Calabrés broccoli two groups based are distinguished , according to the harvesting period.

- Varieties harvested in summer-autumn: they are characterized by a short cycle, of about 60 days. In tempered areas the production may take place in autumn and winter. Among others there stand out ‘Gem", ‘Temprano Alemán’and ‘Grande’.

Gem is a hybrid variety, reason why it forms very uniform heads, of greenish color, loose seed and medium size.

Temprano Alemán is an early variety that forms a single head of good size, white color and fine and compact seed.

Grande: it forms a uniform, great and firm head. It is a very productive variety, easy to give lateral buds as well as the central head.

- Varieties harvested in winter-spring: its culture cycle is longer than the previous type, lasting between 100 and 120 days. Some varieties are ‘Verde Tardío’, ‘De San José ‘and ‘Tardío de San isidro’.

Verde Tardío it is a variety of Spanish origin that forms compact medium size heads, greenish colour and hard seed.

De San José: it is a high plant, with erect leaves that do not cover the head. This is compact, medium size and bluish color.

Tardío de San Isidro is a broccoli variety of high habit. The head has a small to medium size, with a slightly pink color. The grain is relatively compact.
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