  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Grape, Vitis vinifera / Vitaceae
Benefits for the health
Table grapes are a source of pro-vitamin A carotenoids, vitamin C and flavonoids (myricetin and quercetin).

Grapes also contain resveratol, which is another phytochemical. A ration of 125 g supplies approximately 25 % of the daily recommended consumption of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects against various types of cancer and improves the immune functions.

Vitamin A provides protection against ocular disorders, and at the same time it is beneficial for the bones development, to maintain the body tissues in good condition, for the reproduction and development of the hormonal and co-enzymatic function. Flavonoids occur among the secondary compounds of fruit and vegetables; when consumed in a varied diet, they are claimed to protect against cancer and some cardiovascular diseases.
Popular tradition
Grapes have been employed for a long time with healing purposes. They are laxative and diuretic, specially recommended in cases of weakness or low body defences. They are good to depurate blood and they also prevent osteoporosis.

In case of constipation, grapes must be eaten with the skin and the pips, whereas if they are consumed by elderly people or people with weak digestive organs they must be taken in juice.

Grapes are laxative and diuretic. They are not suitable for diabetics, because of their sugar content. The red varieties may cause migraine in some people.

In the Chinese medicine, grapes are recommended for people with lack of energy and blood, against asthenic dizziness, cough, aphony, palpitations and perspiration, rheumatic pains and urine irritation.
Interempresas Media, S.L. / 2024 [ Legal notice | Política de Protección de Datos | Política de cookies | Publicidad]