  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Walnut, Juglans regia / Juglandaceae
The main countries producing walnuts supply to the market all the year round. In Spain the production is scarce, centred in the months of September and October. The period of higher consumption is Christmas, so soon after the harvest almost all the walnuts are sold.

The following table shows the dates of availability in the United Kingdom market, indicating also the origin and the weight of the packages.

OriginAvailability in the UK marketsWeight of the packages
BulgariaAccording to the market demandsVarious
ChileAll the year roundVarious
HungaryAccording to the market demandsVarious
IndiaAccording to the market demandsVarious
TurkeyAccording to the market demandsVarious
United KingdomSeptember-OctoberVarious
The United StatesSeptember-December25kg

Source: Fresh Produce Desk Book (1999)
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