  Fruits Vegetables
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Blackberry, Rubus fruticosus / Rosaceae
Benefits for the health
The blackberries are a good source of folate, fibre and phytochemicals such as quercetin, kaempferol, ellagic acid, lignans, catechin, anthocyanin and tannins, which apparently reduce the effects of cancer and, at the same time, protect against degenerative diseases.

This fruit also contains the antioxidant vitamin E (2 mg per 100 g of blackberries), which helps to reduce the risk of contracting heart diseases and it is also beneficial for the skin. The consumption of 100 g provides at least 15 mg of vitamin C.
Popular tradition
The blackberry has many healing properties. One can use the fruits, the leaves and the tender shoots to cure several diseases like diabetes, angina or ulcers.

The blackberry is considered as one of the oldest medicinal plants. For this purpose, one can use the leaves, the fruits and the tender sprouts. As internal use it is indicated in case of haemoptysis, diabetes and haemorrhoids. As external use it is used to fight angina, dental pharyngitis, neuralgia and wounds.

The leaves in infusion ease the internal haemorrhages, dysentery and diarrhoea. The boiled leaves are used to gargle, fighting angina, the pharyngitis, aphthae and gingivitis. Furthermore, it favours the healing of ulcers and wounds. The blackberries syrup relieves the thirst of the patients with fever. They have also astringent, purifying and laxative properties.
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