  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Plum, Prunus domestica / Rosaceae
Benefits for the health
The plum is a good vitamin C source, provitamin A carotenoid, fiber and flavonoids. A ration of 130g of plums contributes to 20% of vitamin C daily consumption recommended. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C help to protect against some types of cancer and at the same time intensifies the immunological functions.

Vitamin A is beneficial for the sight, muscles, growth, bones development, dental care, maintenance of body tissues, reproduction and development of the hormonal functions and Co-enzymes. Flavonoids are compounds with antioxidant activity that helps to protect against heart diseases and cancer.

Plums are also rich in vitamin E, which offers protection against oxidation damage and functions at the same time with other essential nutrients, like fatty acids and vitamin A.

Prunes contain a higher percentage of fiber than fresh plums. The fiber helps to protect against a series of disorders of the alimentary canal (smooth and effective laxative), including the intestine cancer.

Plums also contain some minerals like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and iron, which are also important for health.
Popular tradition
Symbol of fertility in several cultures, the plum is a very healthy fruit with interesting medicinal properties. The plum has been used from the Antiquity to decontaminate the organism and to fight against constipation. Prunes are one of the most well-known and effective natural laxatives due to the amount of insoluble fiber contained in them; this quantity of soluble fiber causes makes them suitable to regulate the cholesterol levels in the blood.

Plums are recommended in case of stress, rheumatism, hepatitis, haemorrhoids and anemia. Children can eat them as a sweet, since they also favour growth and the intellectual efficiency, although they are not recommended for children below three years old because they can irritate their intestines.

The plum is a very energetic food (36-52.20kcal/100g), good for sportspeople. Nevertheless, prunes are not recommended to diabetic people or in diets, since they have high sugar contents. They are a good source of potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. Among the vitamins, stand out Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, and B6, although they also contain vitamin C and B5 in lesser quantity.
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