Gooseberries are native to Europe and Asia west. They are widely cultivated in England, France and Germany, where they are highly appreciated.
According to FAO data from 1998, the world-wide production of all type of currants amounted to 654,000t distributed by continents as follows:
Continent | Thousand tons |
Africa | 0 |
Asia | 0 |
Europe | 651 |
North and Central America | 0 |
Oceania | 3 |
South America | 0 |
Total | 654 |
Source: FAO Production Yearbook (1998)
The production of currants is practically centred in Europe, totalling 651,000 t per year, followed by Oceania with 3,000 t. These are the only two continents producing currants.
Two years later, in 2000, the world-wide production of all type of currants remained within the same margins. According to data from the FAO, 613,188 t of currants were produced in the world, slightly below 1998 production. The ten main producers of currants in the world are shown in the following table:
Country | Tons |
Russia | 208,000 |
Poland | 145,000 |
Germany | 140,000 |
Czech Rep. | 22,792 |
Austria | 19,537 |
Ukraine | 18,500 |
United Kingdom | 11,000 |
France | 8,500 |
Hungary | 8,000 |
Denmark | 5,000 |
Source: FAOSTAT Database Results (2000) ( )
The main producer is Russia (208,000 t), followed by Poland and Germany as chief producers in 2000.
32,126 tons are imported world-wide according to FAO data from 1999. The distribution by continents is shown in the table below:
Continent | Tons |
Africa | 152 |
Asia | 1 |
Europe | 31,701 |
North and Central America | 257 |
Oceania | 2 |
South America | 13 |
Source: FAOSTAT Database Results (1999) ( )
The continent with larger import of all types of currants is Europe, that imported in 1999 31,701 tons.
The chief importers are, in the first place, Germany with 14,708 currant t. The ten first world-wide importers are indicated in the following table:
Country | Tons |
Germany | 14,708 |
Austria | 9,589 |
Denmark | 3,379 |
The Netherlands | 2,547 |
Belgium-Luxembourg | 515 |
France | 287 |
United Kingdom | 257 |
The United States of America | 222 |
Switzerland | 203 |
Ethiopia | 137 |
Source: FAOSTAT Database Results (1999) ( )
Spain imported in 1999 twenty-five tons, which places it in the 14th position of the world-wide imports.
In 1999 the world-wide imports amounted to 40,607 thousand dollars. Germany was the country with greater economical contribution in imports, followed by Austria and Denmark. The following table shows the ten first countries with greater capital contribution in imports.
Country | Thousand dollars |
Germany | 16,544 |
Austria | 10,398 |
Denmark | 4,120 |
The Netherlands | 2,757 |
France | 1,281 |
The United States of America | 1,248 |
Belgium-Luxembourg | 1,615 |
United Kingdom | 1,033 |
Switzerland | 372 |
Spain | 204 |
Source: FAOSTAT Database Results (1999) ( )
Spain occupies the tenth place with 204 thousand dollars in imports.
The world-wide exports in 1999 according to FAO data were 10,361 tons of currants of all types. This table shows the exports of the different continents.
Continent | Tons |
Africa | 247 |
Asia | 6 |
Europe | 9,918 |
North and Central America | 135 |
Oceania | 2 |
South America | 50 |
Source: FAOSTAT Database Results (1999) ( )
The continent with greater amount of currant exports in 1999 was Europe, with 9,918 t.
The main exporters are, in the first place, the Czech Republic, Germany and Belgium-Luxembourg. The ten first world-wide exporters are indicated in the following table:
Country | Tons |
Czech Rep. | 4,154 |
Germany | 1,689 |
Belgium-Luxembourg | 1,148 |
Austria | 837 |
France | 790 |
Denmark | 588 |
The Netherlands | 277 |
Zimbabwe | 247 |
Ireland | 222 |
The United States of America | 135 |
Source: FAOSTAT Database Results (1999) ( )
The world-wide exports in 1999 totalled 13,844 thousand dollars. Spain invested 9 thousand dollars in exports. The chief countries investing in exports were Belgium-Luxembourg, followed by the Czech Republic and Germany. The table below shows the ten chief countries with greater capital investment in exports.
Country | Thousand dollars |
Belgium-Luxembourg | 2.680 |
Czech Rep. | 2.598 |
Germany | 2.275 |
The Netherlands | 2.011 |
France | 1.093 |
Austria | 1.020 |
Denmark | 836 |
Zimbabwe | 550 |
Ireland | 224 |
Italy | 173 |
Source: FAOSTAT Database Results (1999) ( )