  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Gooseberry, Ribes grossularia / Saxifragaceae (Grossulariaceae)
Benefits for the health
Gooseberries are an excellent source of proitamin A carotenoids, vitamin C, fibre, potassium and flavonoids. Vitamin A is essential for sight, growth, the development of bones, the maintenance of the corporal tissues, the reproduction and the development of the hormonal functions and the co-enzymes.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects against several types of cancer and intensifies the immunological functions. Research shows that fibre consumption helps to protect against a set of disorders of the alimentary canal, including intestine cancer. Potassium has an important role in the metabolism of the energy. Flavonoids occur among many of the smaller components of fruit and vegetables which, in a varied diet, are thought to protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Popular tradition
Gooseberries are similar in properties to blueberries, representing an important improvement in the loss of sight and used in pharmaceutical specialities, indicated for retina alterations.

Berries have pectins; if their juice is diluted in water it has a laxative, purifying and diuretic effect. Some given applications of the pulp help the treat burned skin.

The gooseberry leaves are highly rich in tannin and are used to prepare anti-diarrhoeic and diuretic infusions. The leaves have also an important anti-inflammatory action on arthrosis and rheumatism in general, free from the gastric disadvantages of traditional medicine. Thus, the anti-inflammatory effect, along with the diuretic action makes this fruit suitable to treat gout.
Interempresas Media, S.L. / 2024 [ Legal notice | Política de Protección de Datos | Política de cookies | Publicidad]