The commonest system of melon trade is in bulk, that is to say, without pre-packaging. In case they are pre-packaged, nets are the most usual system for small varieties, like Galia.
For the arrangement of loose melons cardboard, wood or rigid plastic transport boxes are used. The round varieties like Cantaloup or Galia are prepared in honeycombed trays of such materials. The individual labelling is more and more frequent.
The use of standardized packing is advisable (boxes or trays), in order to make palletization much easier; the maximum weight must not exceed 20 or 22kg, so as to avoid local overheat due to the heat given off by the fruit.
In Spain, the early, spherical melon, is usually placed in honeycombed cardboard packages. For the variety "Yellow", cardboard and wood packages are employed. The " Negro’ variety, when intended for export, is basically packaged in wood, and for domestic trade (Spain) in reusable plastic. The colour of the alveoli depends on the colour of the melon, thus, for yellow melons they use green alveoli and for green melons they choose pale tones.