  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
White cabbage, Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba / Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)
Note: Composition for 100 g. of fresh product
Values in ( min. - max. ) format.
Energy: 22.00-27.00 kcal
Fats: 0.20-0.40 g
Fibres: 2.10-2.96 g

Fat Acids

Polyunsat.: 0.10-0.10 g


Calcium: 46.00-80.00 mg
Zinc: 0.200-0.224 mg
Chlorine: 37.00-40.00 mg
Phosporus: 27.50-38.00 mg
Iron: 0.500-0.600 mg
Magnesium: 6.00-23.00 mg
Manganese: 0.100-0.200 mg
Potasium: 208.00-240.00 mg
Selenium: 2.51-2.51 µg
Sodium: 7.00-11.67 mg
Iodine: 1.93-2.00 µg
Proteins: 1.37-2.20 kcal
Carbohidrates: 2.50-5.00 g

Liposoluble Vitamins

A Retinol: 0.00-11.96 µg
A Carotenoids: 40.00-71.76 µg
E or Tocoferol: 0.20-1.70 mg
K or Filoquinone: 79.50-79.50 µg

Liposoluble Vitamins

B1 or Thiamine: 0.049-0.160 mg
B2 or Riboflavine: 0.007-0.037 mg
B3 or Niacine: 0.300-0.600 mg
B5 or Pantothenic Acid: 0.210-0.260 mg
B6 or Piridoxine: 0.174-0.180 mg
B9 or Folic Acid: 4.00-45.18 mg
C or Ascorbic Acid: 4.00-45.18 mg
White cabbage
The cabbage is a vegetable highly appreciated in the traditional cooking of many countries, since it is known from very old and is supposed to have diverse healing properties. They have spreaded worldwide, and at present they are consumed in multiple ways, although they are usually cooked. The head is formed when the leaves press together onto the plant’s main bud.
Nutrition and eating
Cabbages are recommended in hypocaloric diets, since they are rich in fibre and low in calories. Furthermore, they are an important source of vitamins and minerals, and they are considered to be anticarcinogenic.
The fruit
The cabbage is a vegetable highly appreciated in the traditional cooking of many countries, since it is known from very old and is supposed to have diverse healing properties. They have spreaded worldwide, and at present they are consumed in multiple ways, although they are usually cooked. The head is formed when the leaves press together onto the plant’s main bud.

Cabbages are one of the eldest vegetables known. They were already cultivated by the Egyptians, and thought of as a medicinal plant. The most usual way to consume cabbages is stewed or cooked, although raw cabbage is also included in salads. In Germany it is highly appreciated: they make chucrut, which is fermented cabbage.

Cabbages are spherical masses of head shape, although they can also be circular or oblong. The tighter and more compact they are, the greater their quality, since the leaves inside are more tender, white and succulent.

From the nutritional point of view, cabbages supply important amounts of vitamins and minerals. They also contain small quantities of sugar, starch, proteins and minerals. Their sugar content makes them the leaf vegetable which can be kept for longer time. The rest of vegetables of this type are kept for very short time, because they lack sugar and, therefore, reserves.

They are cultivated everywhere in the world, being China, India, Russia and Korea the main producing countries. Asia accounts for 65% of the total world production.

There are multiple varieties of cabbages, classified according to their harvesting period. There are summer and winter varieties, basically.
The plant
Cabbages belong to the family of the cruciferae, species Brassica oleracea var. capitata. It is an herbaceous plant, with an erect and scarcely branched stem, on which the leaves are arranged. They are of dark to pale green colour and covered with a waxen substance. They have different shapes, although in general they are more or less oval, with slightly sawed edges. The heart is formed as a result of the great development of the central yolk and the arrangement of the upper leaves, that tighten against the yolk, forming the head.

The cabbage covers its cycle in two years. During the first year it forms the heart, and it remains like this until the second year, when the stem grows high, the leaves separate and the flowers bloom, arranged in clusters and of yellow colour.
Tricks and tips

Avoiding the acidity of boiled cabbage

In order to avoid the acidity of boiled cabbage, just throw a lump of sugar into the water

Hervir dos veces la col

Para evitar las posibles flatulencias se hace necesario hervir dos veces la col

How to avoid cabbage smell when cooking?

The smell is avioded placing a piece of bread in the water

Preserving dishes with cabbage

In order to preserve a food made with cabbage, it is necessary to remove the cabbage from the container, otherwise, the remaining ingredients may become sour

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