  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Swedish turnip, Brassica napus var. Napobrassica / Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)
Postharvest Atmosphere Management
The storage of Swedish turnips is similar to that of turnips. The roots tend to lignify, that is to say, to become woody.

At home the leaves must be separated from the bulb and kept in perforated plastic bags in the fridge. Under these conditions they may last up to two weeks.

This species can be stored for relatively long periods of time. The produce is stored without washing, free of leaves; damaged leaves or the leaves suffering from damages caused by freezing must be removed. They are kept in cellars or cold store rooms.

If they are kept at 0ºC and 90-95% of relative moisture they might last for 4 or 6 months. Relative moisture below 90% results in a shorter period of preservation.
The conditions for the storage of Swedish turnips are also suitable for their transport and distribution. The optimal temperature for sea transport is 0ºC and the relative moisture must be between 95-100%.
Postharvest Problems
The respiration heat is relatively low, having a direct relation to the long period of preservation of this vegetable. As the time of storage prolongs, the heat increases.

The changes that harvested Swedish turnips may undergo are: loss of water, rotting, sprouting, lignification, and loss of taste.

The loss of water causes the diminution of weight, wrinkling and softening of the product. High relative moisture in the storage environment is essential in order to diminish the product’s drying. Relative moisture of 90-95% brings along the softening of the produce caused by the loss of water. However, levels of moisture next to saturation (98-100%) avoid this phenomenon. Waxing is another method used to avoid drying.

Rotting is usually the second limiting factor in Swedish turnip storage. It is caused by inadequate temperatures of storage. At temperatures of 4ºC for 9 months, the loss of weight caused by rot is around 10%.

With prolonged time of storage, the Swedish turnips sprout. This process is controlled by means of growth regulators, but in Spain there are no products registered for this species.

The progressive increase of lignin causes the hardening of the vegetable, which diminishes its organoleptic quality.

Although this species has a long post-harvest life, with the time the taste diminishes in quality.
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