  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Fig, Ficus carica / Moraceae
Benefits for the health
The raw and dry fig is highly nutritious and a rich source of dietetic fiber, potassium, proteins, minerals (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and zinc) and vitamins (riboflavine and vitamin B6). Fiber is beneficial for the correct functioning of the alimentary canal, whilst the minerals and vitamins found in figs and other fruit and vegetables are essential for the growth, development and maintenance of a good health during all life.
Popular tradition
Figs have been known for their healthy characteristics for many centuries. It regulates digestion, helps to fight exhaustion, stimulates the concentration capacity, cheers the soul up and eliminates nerves. Its external use is recommended for mouth inflammations, sores and burns.

Figs, due to their numerous seeds, were a symbol of faith and wisdom for many cultures, whilst the fig tree symbolizes fertility.

The famous Greek doctor Hipocrates, in 400 B.C., already recommended figs to fight undernourishment; his compatriot Galeno advised the Greek athletes to consume figs as basic food for their diet.

Figs were consumed during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, used in meals that were considered exquisite.

Fresh figs have a high percentage of water, reason why their energetic value is not very high. One hundred grams of fresh figs provide 65 calories; the same weight in dry fruits provide 280 calories. Besides water, the main component are carbohydrates, mainly sucrose, glucose and frutose. Figs provide all the essential aminoacids; lipids appear in very small proportion.

Figs are one of the oldest healing fruits.

Among the main properties of figs, stand out their nutritious, digestive, tonic, laxative, diuretic, pectoral and topical emollient remedy characteristics. It is indicated for internal use in cases of physical and nervous asthenia in children, adolescents, convalescents, sportpeople, pregnant women, for the alimentary canal irritations, constipation, fever, menstruation upsets, lung and urinary inflammations.

This fruit is digestive and laxative due to its high content of seeds and fiber. Nevertheless, one must not abuse. A pair of daily figs help much better to maintain a healthy intestinal flora than any other food or pharmaceutical product.

The diuretic effect is due to the fig’s high content in potassium, becoming an alkaline food. Figs have the most basic PH value (alkaline) of all foods. For this reason, they are suitable to neutralize acid foods, like meat, pork meat products, pasta made with refined flours and candies.

They are recommended against physical asthenia, thanks to their high sugar contents, stimulating also the concentration capacity.

As far as its external use, it is recommended to use the milk of the green figs to eliminate warts. Toothache also disappears if the flesh is pressed on the gum.

The infusion of 25 to 30 grams of fig tree leaves per liter of water reduces cough, improves circulation and helps to ease painful menstruation, if taken some days before.
Interempresas Media, S.L. / 2024 [ Legal notice | Política de Protección de Datos | Política de cookies | Publicidad]