Benefits for the health
The loquat supplies the organism with few calories, since it hardly contains lipids nor proteins. Among the minerals supplied stand out the potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. It barely contains sodium. Among the vitamins, the chief ones are B1, B2, B3 and C.
The nutritious value of this fruit is quite low. It hardly contains lipids nor proteins, and its carbohydrate contribution (mainly fructose and glucose) is moderate. For all those reasons, its caloric content is low and thus it can be consumed without any problem by people who follow slimming diets.
The mineral contribution comes mainly from potassium and the scarce amount of sodium. Potassium is very important for the cellular metabolism and the lack of it in the organism leads to muscular weakness, mental disorder and upheavals in the heart functioning. Moreover, it provides with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.
Its vitamin content is quite low, although it supplies with small amounts of vitamin B1, B2, B3 and C. The latter protects the cells from oxidation and improves the absorption of iron. Some varieties of this fruit contain carotenoids, the precursors of vitamin A.
The loquat contains pectins and organic acids like the acetic, citric, malic, tartaric and formic acids.
Popular tradition
The loquat is a digestive, diuretic and depurative food. Furthermore, it reduces the levels of cholesterol and it is recommended to people suffering from hypertension. The leaves are used in some countries to cure various diseases like diabetes or cough.
The loquat is a very digestive fruit, recommended to people with delicate stomach. It has diuretic properties and it is appropriate for people suffering from high blood pressure, since it is rich in potassium and low in sodium. Moreover, it is a depurative fruit.
If it is consumed in juice or syrup, it may cure diarrhoeas, thanks to its astringent properties. Its pectin content reduces the levels of cholesterol.
The leaves are used in several countries to treat skin diseases and diabetes. The Chinese traditional medicine recommends products containing the loquat leaves’ extract and other plants in order to cure chronic bronchitis, cough and pulmonary congestion.