  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Mango, Magnifera indica / Anacardiaceae
Benefits for the health
Mango is rich in vitamin A and C, and it also contains phytochemicals with properties that help to reduce the incidence of cancer. Among them we find lutein. Lutein is concentrated in a specific region of the eye (macular), reason why a high dose may protect against degenerative ageing processes in this organ. Epidemiological studies indicate that stomach cancer is less frequent in people whose diet is rich in vitamin C. The antioxidant capacity of vitamin C may offer protection against other types of cancer and intensify the immunological functions. A diet rich in fruit and vegetables, among which is the mango, may reduce the risk of contracting all kind of diseases.
Popular tradition
For its richness in vitamin A and C, the consumption of mango represents a good prevention against scurvy and an effective remedy for the skin, mucous and sight alterations, usually due to lack of vitamin A.

The content in iron renders it a tonic property, being very useful to treat anaemia and all type of blood disorders.

Its low content in fat, sodium and calories does makes it suitable to be included in slimming diets and hypertension diets, being also very easy to digest.

There is a scarce popularity of mangoes in Europe.
Interempresas Media, S.L. / 2024 [ Legal notice | Política de Protección de Datos | Política de cookies | Publicidad]