  Fruits Vegetables
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Melon, Cucumis melo / Cucurbitaceae
Melons belong to the species Cucumis melo; long shelf life melons are available.

Several commercial types of melon are distinguished according to the characteristics of the rind, the colour of the pulp, the shape, etc. Within each type there are various varieties. The following types and varieties can be considered in a commercial classification:

Yellow melon, Yellow Canary or Spanish: "Amarillo rugoso" and "Amarillo redondo Liso".
Green Spanish Melons: "Rochet", "Piel de Sapo" and "Tendral".
Cantaloup Melon.
Galia Melon.
Charentais Melons: "Charentais de piel lisa" and "Charentais de piel reticulada".
Long Shelf Life Melons: "Novanum", "Solarnum", "Geanum" and "Lunanum".
Other types: "Casaba", "Crenshaw", "Sharlyn", "Ananás", "Orange Flesh", "Turco’, "Honey Dew", "Tendral de Elche’, etc.

Melons are also categorized according to a botanical classification in the following varieties, among which the previous types are included.

Cucumis melo var. sacharinus: Medium-sized fruit, even, furrowed or speckled rind, intense green colour at the beginning and orange afterwards; it has a thick rind and an aromatic flesh. "Marine’, "Biga", "Galia", "Bola de Oro", "Tendral Verde Temprano", "Rochet", "Piñonet", "Piñonet Piel de Sapo’, " Amarillo Verde Tardío’, "Tendral Tardío Negro" and "Tendral Tardío Verde.
Cucumis melo var. inodorus: They are known as "winter melons’ and "casaba’. The fruit has an even or netted rind, of late maturation and good shelf life. "Honey Dew de Carne Verde".
Cucumis melo var. reticulatus: Netted rind. Medium size, rounded or elongate shape, between 1 and 3kg. "Verde Oloroso Escriturado".
Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis: "cantaloup" melons. Globose or depressed fruit. Warty or lobbed rind. Salmon orange flesh, weighing between 0.5 and 1kg. "Charentais", "Charentais Igor", "Charentais Alize’, "Athos ", "Pharo’, "Jívaro’, "Doublon", "Orlinabel", "Ido For", "Vedrantais", "Vedor", "De Bellegarde", "Ogen" and "Haon".

Some varieties of melon:

"Yellow Melon’
Spanish origin, characterized for its yellow rind and cream-white flesh.

"Amarillo Rugoso’
Large, oval or elliptical-shaped fruit.

"Amarillo Redondo Liso’
New varieties of melon adapted to the export market. Even, rounded melons of approximately 1 kg of weight and higher Brix degrees than the previous ones.

"Melon Verde Español"
Spanish origin, although they were probably introduced by the East Arabs.
More or less dark green colour, sometimes spotted, of elongate shape and large size, may weigh between 1.5 and 3 kg.

This group of melons is the most precocious among the Spanish green melons. Green, aromatic flesh of soft consistence.

"Piel de Sapo’
Quite slender melon, sometimes with rough skin and slightly netted. Green and crispy flesh. There are also some rounded varieties weighing around 1 kg.

"Tendral" (Green Spanish)
Late varieties. Very rough and hard rind of green colour. Green pulp.

"Charentais" Melon
French origin.

"Charentais of even rind’
Rounded melons, in some cases somewhat flattened and weighing between 0.8 and 1.3 kg. Pale green or slightly grey-coloured, furrowed rind, with dark green sutures. Salmon-like and quite aromatic pulp, chiefly when ripe.

"Charentais with netted rind’
Round or semimade oval melons, more or less heavy reticulada crust and also divided by dark sutures green. Pulp of quite olorosos color salmon and. These melons very are appreciated in the Italian market. The commercial sizes are: the oldest of 2-3kg and new varieties around 1kg.

"Long Self Life Melons"
High sugar content, longer self life (minimum 12 days at environmental temperature) and excellent pulp quality. Well-adapted to transport, since the skin is less susceptible to damages. Some ‘brands’ of Long Self Life melons of well-known quality are demanded by foreign markets, that gather the production market of several companies to sell them in the place of destination. Four quality brands of long self life melon are distinguished, promoted by the "Nunhems seeds’ company: "Novanum", "Solarnum", "Geanum" and "Lunanum".

"Cantaloup" Melon
American origin. It is the type with larger production in the world. Melons of spherical shape and thick netting all over the surface. Aromatic flesh of a salmon colour.

"Casaba Melon’
Melon of oval or rounded shape. Rough rind, yellow or orange colour, turning into a green tonality close to the stem. Cream-white flesh, although less aromatic than that of other melons.

"Cucumis melo’ var. "sacharinus"

Hybrid of Spanish origin. Rounded shape, somewhat lobbed surface, rather thin rind, of dark green colour with pale spots. White, somewhat aromatic flesh of sweet taste.

Hybrid of Spanish origin. Bulky-shaped fruit, slightly elliptical, even surface, pale spots on a dark green background, somewhat netted. White pulp, of good consistence and sweet taste, average-thick rind and medium central cavity.

Israeli origin. Round-shaped melon, green colour rind, yellow when ripe, showing a thin-netted surface. Greenish-white pulp of soft texture. Around 0.7-1.3kg. Some varieties have a white-coloured flesh.

"Bola de Oro’
Spanish variety. Medium-sized fruit, between 1-1.7 kg. Rounded or slightly bulky oval shape and even surface. I €ntense yellow-coloured rind when ripe, thin, with an average-sized central cavity. Orange to white flesh, soft and juicy, of a pleasant sweet taste. It is highly appreciated in the Spanish market.

"Tendral Verde Temprano’
Spanish variety. Average size fruit, 1.5-2kg. Elongate shape, elliptical, mean thick rind (thicker than the variety Bola de Oro), with a somewhat furrowed surface of green colour, slightly spotted in a pale colour. Cream-coloured flesh of a very sweet taste and a large central cavity.

"Tendral Tardío Negro’
Also known as "Tendral Tardío de Elche’ and "Tendral Valenciano Tardío’. Fruit of good size, between 2 and 2.5kg or more. Elongate shape, although short and bulky, reason why it is between an elongate and rounded shape. Quite rough, furrowed rind, without streaks, of a very dark green colour, hard and very thick. The pulp is pale green and very sweet, of great quality.

"C. melo’ var. " inodorus"

Melons of this variety may weigh up to 4kg. They have a peculiar shape, being rounded on one end and tending to form a tip towards the insertion of the peduncle. Yellow or greenish yellow and stained rind when ripe, it is relatively smooth, with some superficial furrows. The pulp is of pink to pale orange colour, of smooth texture, juicy, sweet and with a delicate aroma.

"Honey Dew de Carne Verde’
North American variety. Also known as Honey Dew, Guernsey Conqueror, Tom Dew, Westlandia Sugarnd Wstlanse Suiker. Average size, 20cm of diameter, weighing between 2 and 2.5kg or even more. Rounded melon, of smooth and consistent rind, pale green colour or cream yellow when ripe. Green and very sweet flesh.

"C. melo’ var. "reticulatus"

"Verde Oloroso Escriturado’
Spanish variety. Netted fruit with a marked aroma. Rather small size, 0.5 to 1kg. Practically spherical shape, typically streaked surface, with a netted layout. White streaks on a green background. Thin and soft skin. Not very compact flesh, watery, cream colour, sweet taste and medium-sized central cavity.

"C. melo’ var. "cantalupensis"

Hybrid of French origin, corresponding to the Charentais type. Weight around 0.800kg.

Quite precocious selection from the "Charentais" type, of French origin too. Of somewhat darker colour and slightly netted surface.

"De Bellegarde’
Cultivated since the old times in France. Medium size fruit, spherical shape, quite marked furrows; the characteristic gores are quite prominent. Pale green rind with dark spots, having yellowish spots on a white background when ripe; the furrowed area is of a darker green colour, forming a narrow vein. Hard and thin rind. Orange, aromatic flesh of sweet taste.

Original from Israel. It belongs to the Cantaloup type. Small fruit, 0,500 to 1,200kg. Round shape, even surface and furrowed bark, although the lobs are slightly marked. Green before maturation, turning into a yellowish colour once ripe, with a thin rind and a small cavity. Pale green colour and moderate aroma.

Hybrid of Israeli origin. Round fruit, 0.600 to 2kg. Rounded shape, even surface or slightly rouged, somewhat streaked, widely and deeply furrowed. Of yellow colour when ripe. Thin rind; the flesh is of a pale green colour with an average or small central cavity.
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