Pre-cooling is a fundamental practice in order to keep a high quality. Hydro-cooling by means of using water at 0-2ºC is the simplest method. Good results are also obtained with vacuum pre-cooling; the produce must be dampen before in order to avoid damages by dehydration.
Storage is carried out at a temperature between -1 and 0ºC, and high relative moisture (95%). The peas must be previously pre-cooled. Under these conditions they are kept up to one or two weeks. The best preservation is obtained without peeling the product, since the pod renders protection to the vegetables and prevents from the stress of podding. The packages must not carry a great burden since it would complicate the ventilation and the maintenance of low temperatures.
The purpose of applying controlled atmosphere with an oxygen concentration of 5-7% and a carbon dioxide concentration of 5-10% is to store the product for 9 weeks. The peas cannot withstand high concentrations of carbon dioxide, but a concentration of 5%, as previously remarked, is an optimal percentage to obtain good results in storage.
For further information on the basic indications of post-harvest handling, consult the University of Davis Internet address ( )