  Fruits Vegetables
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Celeriac, Apium graveolens var. rapaceum / Umbelliferae
The most cultivated varieties of celeriac according to Hessayon are:
- "Marble Ball": It is most well-known variety. Of average size, rounded and strongly flavoured. It is well-stored during winter.
- "Iram": Like the previous one, of average size. It keeps its white colour when cooked.
- "Tellus": it also keeps its whitish colour after boiling. It has a fast growth and a smoother skin than the rest of varieties.
- "Claudia’: It is famous for being the less nodded celeriac.
- "Jose’: It is known for being a very early variety. The shame of the "roots" is uniform.
- "Globus". This variety does not mature very fast, but the harvest has a superior size than the average.
- "Monarch": Tender celeriac with a smooth skin.
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