  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Cherimoya, Annona cherimola / Annonaceae
The custard apple tree blooms in summer and its fruit matures in winter, in the N hemisphere. In Spain, the main producing country, the production is mainly centred from September to January; the months of greater production are October and November. Nevertheless, it is harvested until April. It is a very delicate fruit; therefore, it is exported by air during the harvesting season.

The following table shows the countries exporting custard apples to the United Kingdom market, the dates and the weight of the packages used.

Country of originAvailabilityWeight of the packages
ChileAugust-December5kg(12/18 pieces)
Costa RicaSome what in winterVarious
IndiaAugust-December10/12 pieces
IsraelMid October-Mid December4kg
KenyaMay-October10/12 pieces
The United StatesMarch-AprilVarious

Source: Fresh Produce Desk Book (1998)
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