Benefits for the health
This fruit has high vitamin C concentrations. One hundred grams, or 5 apricots, provide approximately 20% of the daily recommended consumption (60 mg/day) of vitamin C. The lack of vitamin C causes scurvy, a potentially mortal disease of which there are rarely known cases nowadays. Recently, it has been stated that vitamin C may influence in a variety of physiological processes including the lack of nitrosamine formation in the intestine. Nitrite, found in food and water, may react with the amines to produce nitrosamines, which have carcinogenic characteristics. Epidemiological research indicates that stomach cancer is less frequent in people whose diet is rich in vitamin C.
It has also been stated that the antioxidant capacity of vitamin C may protect against cancer in other places of the human body, besides intensifying the immunological functions. The apricot has also a good carotenoid concentration of pro-vitamin A, which is necessary for sight, for the differentiation of epithelial tissues and the immunological system. The consumption of carotenoids is also related to the reduction of the risk of contracting cancer. Fresh apricots are richer in carotenoids (betacarotene, betacryptoxanthin, lutein) that dried apricots.
Popular tradition
The ideal stage to eat this fruit is when it has just been harvested and well mature. If it is consumed dry, it produces a slight laxative effect.
Along with vitamin A, C, etc., this fruit has a great amount of minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.
The apricot prevents anaemia, it increases the defences in our organism, it is astringent if eaten fresh and it is recommended for depressive stages, nervousness, insomnia, lack of appetite, diarrea or constipation, for children with rickets problems or with growth delay.
Apricots prevent the oxidant action on the organism cells, they improve the mood, fortify the mucous, the skin, the hair and nails, and alleviate the asthmatic symptoms.
The apricot, like other fruit and vegetables, must be washed before it is consumed, in order to remove the substances resulting from the processing in the field or warehouse.
Liver patients, patients with herpes or mouth irritation must not eat apricots; people with delicate stomach may eat them mature and without skin, and people prone to have stones in the kidney must not eat them because they have a high content of oxalic jacid. Due to their high content in copper, pregnant women must not consume too many apricots.