  Fruits Vegetables
es en ca
Strawberry, Fragaria vesca var. hortensis / Rosaceae
At present there are many strawberry varieties. According to Arguiñano they are classified in three groups: wild strawberries, cultivated strawberries and large strawberries.

Wild strawberries are characterised by their extraordinary taste. This group includes the so-called alpine varieties, like "Baron Solemacher" are included, " Alexandria’ or " Yellow Wonder", that show a long period of fruition.

The cultivated strawberries are usually larger than wild strawberries, but their aroma and taste are of inferior quality.

Large strawberries are of even greater size, heart-shaped and of a bright red colour when ripe. They are tasteful and are sold at a reasonable price. Large strawberries belong to two species of the genus Fragaria, of American origin. The species Fragaria virginiana is at present cultivated under the name of " Little Scarlet" for jam processing. The fruit of this species is sweet, with a red firm flesh. The second species, Fragaria chiloensis, bears a pink or white fruit with distinct pineapple taste. This species has given rise to most of the commercial large strawberry varieties, by means of hybridization.

On the other hand, there exist other types of large strawberries, that may be a variety of the species Fragaria vesca or another species of the genus Fragaria. Among them we find the so-called ‘four seasons strawberry’ (Fragaria vesca var. semperflorens), bearing quite large fruits that mature during the summer months. The species Fragaria moschata bears a rounded, red pink fruit, with a musk aroma.

New varieties of double harvest have been lately obtained thanks to the cross between the large strawberry and the strawberry. The plants obtained from this cross are characterized by bearing fruit both in summer as in autumn. Among the double harvest strawberries stand out "Aromel", "Ostara’, "Rabunda’ and "Rapella’.

Sobrino makes the following classification from an agronomic point of view. The strawberry varieties are classified in non re-flowering and re-flowering. The first ones bloom in short day and only once a year, therefore are of a single harvest. The second ones are varieties of long day blooming, they have more than one blossoming, and several harvests are obtained every year.

The non re-flowering varieties are at the same time divided in precocious, average precocious, of middle season and late varieties.

Non re-shooting varieties.

a) Precocious

- "Aliso’: It comes from California. Highly precocious and with good yield. Vigorous plant of erect habit. Resistant to transport and of medium size, hard and juicy flesh, with a somewhat acid taste, of globose shape and red colour.

- "Cruz": Californian origin. Precocious, erect habit, great fruit of conical shape and dark red colour, with hard flesh of pale red colour, good taste, resistant to transport. Good yield.

- "Darboprim": French origin. Very precocious variety. Hanging habit, foliage of dark green colour, flattened or furrowed. Mean-thick fruit, of bright red colour and conical shape. Firm flesh of a lively red colour, good taste and resistance to transport. Very high yield.

- "Darstar": French origin. Early production, erect habit, vigorous. Medium-sized, conical bulky fruit, of bright pale red colour and firm pink flesh. Good taste, resistant to transport and good yield.

- "Douglas": Californian origin. Precocious, vigorous plant, clear foliage and semi-erect habit. Great fruits, of elongate conical shape and orange red colour. Firm flesh, red-coloured with pink centre, good taste and resistance to transport. High yield.

- "Elvira’: Dutch origin. Early, scarcely vigorous plant. Medium large and conical fruits. Strong red colour and firm and juicy meat. Pleasant taste and resistant to transport. Good yield.

- "Favette’: French origin. Highly precocious, semi-erect habit. Medium-thick fruit, of short conical shape, bright strong red colour, good consumption quality, firm flesh, regularly sweetened and slightly acid. Average yield.

- "Glasa’: Dutch origin. Precocious, thick fruit, bright pale red colour, moderately perfumed, conical and with great firmness to allow satisfactory transport. Good yield.

- "Garriguette’: French origin. Precocious. Average thick, conical elongate fruit, strong bright red colour, firm and juicy flesh. Average productivity.

- "Grande’: French origin. Precocious variety. Well-coloured and perfumed fruits, approximately 75 g of weight. For long transport, it must be harvested before complete maturation.

- "Marie France’: French origin. Highly vigorous and precocious. Good yield. Great, bright and elongate fruits. Tasteful flesh.

- "Karola’: Dutch origin. Hanging habit, not very bright. Medium-sized, conical fruit of dark red flesh. Good yield.

- "Regina’: German origin. Vigorous plant, regular size fruit, good taste, orange red colour, fleshy and of pale pulp. Good bearing in transport.

- "Senga Precosa’: German origin. Average productivity, small medium-sized fruit of conical rounded shape, dark bright red colour, pleasant taste and good quality.

- "Senga Precosana’: German origin. Precocious, quite large fruit, of a lively red colour, firm flesh, perfumed, of excellent quality. Good transport bearing.

- "Suprise des Halles": French origin. Vigorous, precocious, rustic and productive variety. Firm and juicy flesh, extremely perfumed, of good quality. Go od adaptation to transport.

- "Sequoia’: Californian origin. Very precocious. Large fruit of short conical shape, dark red colour that turns into a dark purple when ripe. High yield.

- "Tioga’: Californian origin. Precocious, great production, large fruit, bright red colour, firm flesh and conical shape. Good quality and good adaptability to transport.

- "Vigerla’: German origin. Vigorous, precocious plant, fruit of conical shape and firm flesh.

- "Toro’: Californian origin. Precocious, conical fruit with a big tip, bright orange-red colour, resistant to transport and of great size.

- "Vista’: Californian origin. Precocious, large, conical fruit, of firm flesh, red and somewhat pink colour near the heart, good taste, resistant to transport; high yield.

b) Half precocious

- "Belle et Bonne’: French origin. Large, rounded fruits of lively red colour, extremely scented, sweet and firm, good transport adaptability.

- "Belrubi’: French origin. Very large fruit, of elongate conical shape, red currant colour, very firm flesh of orange red colour, not very scented and resistant to transport.

- "Cambridge Favourite’: English origin. High productivity. Uniform, large fruit, of conical and somewhat bulky shape, pale red colour, firm and juicy flesh, of good taste and good resistance to handling and transport.

- "Confitura’: Dutch origin. Large and elongate fruit, frequently deformed, dark red colo, red and firm flesh, good taste, resistant to transport.

- "Fresno’: Californian origin. Large fruit, of bright red colour, firm, juicy and extremely aromatic flesh. Good quality and good yield.

- "Marieva’: German origin. Bright fruit of conical shape, firm flesh, resistant to transport, sweet and scented.

- "Merton Princess": English origin. Very large fruit, of good quality, juicy and scented, of a bright red-orange colour.

- "Tufts": Californian origin. Large fruit of conical shape, truncated on the tip, bright red orange colour, firm, red-orange, sweet flesh, resistant to transport. High yield.

c) Of medium season

- "Apollo’: North American origin. Great fruits, conical type, bright scarlet red colour, flesh of a red currant colour, firm and resistant to transport. Average yield.

- "Elsanta’: Dutch origin. Great, rounded conical fruit, bright red colour, orange-coloured flesh, firm and of good taste. Resistance to transport and high yield.

- "Korona’: Dutch origin. Great fruit, of dark red colour, red, firm and tasty flesh, resistant to transport. High yield.

- "Pájaro’: Californian origin. Great, long conical fruit, of bright red colour, firm flesh of pale red colour good taste, resistant to transport. High yield.

- "Splendida’: German origin. Large to medium-sized fruits, of conical and flattened shape. Orange to purple colour, average red flesh, good taste. Good yield.

- "Gorella’: Dutch origin. Great, conical fruit, of a bright red colour, firm coloured flesh, juicy and sweet, although it is not the best one with this characteristic. Good resistance to transport.

- "Senga Gigana’: German origin. Large fruit (up to 40 or 70 g), of elongate conical shape.

- "Senga Sangana’: German origin. Bright dark red colour, even red flesh, average firmness, acidulated and aromatic sweet taste. Good adaptability to transport.

- "Souvenir de Machiroux": Belgian origin. Extremely large fruit, coloured, juicy, of an acidulated and sweet taste.

d) Late varieties

- "Aiko’: Californian origin. Uniform, large, long fruit, of conical shape, with a pointed end, firm flesh, pale red colour, slightly sweet, very resistant to transport and high yield.

- "Bogota: Dutch origin. Large fruit, conical shape, dark red colour, acidulated flesh, good taste, resistant to transport and high yield.

- "Madam Moutot": French origin. Quite large fruits but somewhat soft, pale red colour, rounded shape, salmon-like flesh.

- "Sengana’: German origin. Fruit of average size, uniform, slightly elongate conical shape, of a red colour. Juicy, firm, scented flesh of a red colour, scarcely resistant to transport.

- "Red Gauntlet": English origin. Highly productive, medium-large size, short conical shape, pale bright red colour, firm flsh, hardly scented, somewhat acidulated taste.

- "Tago’: Dutch origin. Médium to large conical fruit, red to purple red colour, average red flesh, quite firm and tasty. Good yield.

- "Talismán": English origin. Average size fruti of conical to elongate shape, intense red colour, mean-firm flesh, quite sweet and of good quality.

- "Templar": English origin. Large oval fruit, high yield.

- "Tenira": Dutch origin. Quite large fruit, cordiform, slightly flat-topped, lively red colour, firm red flesh, of a very good taste. Resistance to transport and high yield.

- "Valeta": Dutch origin. Average-sized fruit, conical shape, not very bright, pale red and tasty flesh. High yield.

- "Vola": Dutch origin. Large and elongate fruti of good quality.

Re-flowering varieties

- "Brigton": Californian origin. Large fruit, elongate conical shape, sometimes flattened, bright orange-red colour. Firm, semi-sweet flesh of a red, somewhat pink colour. High yield.

- "De Macheravich": Good quality fruit of orange-red colour, good size and conical shape, pulp of average firmness, sweet and scented.

- "Hecker": Californian origin. Medium to large fruit, of conical rounded shape, bright red colour, firm flesh of red colour qith a pink tone in the centre, of very good quality and resistance to transport. High yield.

- "Hummi Gento": German origin. Extremely great fruit, of elongate conical shape, uniform development, red colour, firm and juicy flesh, very sweet and pleasant taste. Good resistance to transport.

- "Ostara": Dutch origin. Average-sized fruit, of short conical shape, rounded on the base, uniform intense red colour. Firm and juicy flesh, of a pleasant taste.

- "Rabunda": Dutch origin. Average-sized fruti, of short conical bulky shape, bright orange-red colour. Firm, juicy and scented flesh of pleasant taste and white-pink colour.

- "Revada": Dutch origin. Conical-rounded fruit, intense red colour. Firm, sweet and scented flesh, resistant to transport. Good yield.

- "Sin Rival": French origin. Good yield. Large fruit of conical shape, vermilion-coloured, pale, sweet and scented flesh.
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